We're now back in the capital, and we are only 2 blocks away from the parliment buildings, and everything is as it was 2 weeks ago when we arrived. Really there's nothing to worry about. We're just glad that we're not flying home now.
As far as what's going to happen here it's a little unclear. The leader of the military says he not going to stage a coup, but he's also telling the prime minister to step down. Both airports in bangkok have been closed, and the prime minister says he going to do something about that...but so far nothing.
There are lots of rumours flying around. I went to the internet cafe here that we normally use, and when I entered all the screens said, "bangkok is under a state of emergency and all internet connections in the city are down. ATM's and credit cards are also not working." There was more. So I went across the street and got some money out of an ATM. I guess that was wrong. I walked a little farther and found another internet cafe. So here I am drinking a coffee and typing away. The only downside is that this place is a bit seedy. The keyboard is sticky, Thai girls of the evening have been coming and going with their patrons, and cochroaches have been crawling all over my feet. I've killed three in ten minutes. Here's proof...
We're on the way north now, which is why we've found ourselves in the capital again. We're going to spend a night here, since we didn't want to do two overnight buses in a row. (we did one last night) Erin's gettting her hair braided right now, just like she had it done in Burundi. So, I've got a few hours to kill on my own.
I guess I'll spend some time reading about my buddies Stephen and Jim on CBC, and see what's up with Les Habitants. (take that Chris L)
1 comment:
keepin you both in our prayers, and stay away from the airport please. Love you both. G&G are now in Florida.
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