Christmas eh? I guess that's what the world calls December 25th....well the western world anyway. In this part of the globe you certainly wouldn't know that it is. This morning we woke to a humid 35C, with no electricity. We had no water and no fan...but plenty of sweat. We walked to another area in the city for our Christmas breakfast (they've got power here), and on the way we recieved perhaps 50 invitations to hire a tuk tuk driver, and sadly only one person wished us a Merry Christmas.
So what would make it feel like Christmas for us. Perhaps if there were Christmas lights everywhere, or wreaths hanging on peoples doors; maybe if we saw some tinsel or inflatable snowmen on peoples snowy front lawns. Perhaps if the weather was cold, then we'd be in the Christmas spirit. Or maybe if we went to the mall and did some shopping that would help it to "feel like Christmas".
But, is this what Christmas should feel like? Should we be sentinmental about Santa Clause or stories of Frosty the snowman, or the Little Drummer Boy? Or, does Christmas go deeper than this? Every year at home, we feel like we should try to distance ourselves a little bit more from the consumerism of Christmas. We've acheived that this year! Yet, it seems as though we need to relearn what Christmas really is. Sure we know the facts. It's a Christian holiday in which we celebrate the incarnation of God as man on earth. Perhaps it's the celebrating of that that we've forgotten how to do. If we take away all the stuff we've added to Christmas and really see why we even have this holiday, we just may find the joy and peace that Christ brought to us so many years ago.
We wish that all of you would experience that joy and peace. We're sad that we're not there to celebrate with you, but we truly wish you all a Merry Christmas!
15 years ago
I hope that you both can truly celebrate the joy of Christmas. Reading your blogs brings tears to my eyes how commercialized Christmas has become. Missing you both and the time we could spend together over the holidays. Love you both, have a Blessed Christmas. P.S. we are off to our Christmas Worship Service.
Merry Christmas!
Good to read your statement "we need to relearn what Christmas really is". I'd suggest that one of the most wonderful discoveries, that leads to huge freedom to live out of who God is and out of His indwelling, is to identify the many layers of values and practices that are antithetical to God's revelation and His Kingdom (He'll show sincere seekers what they are!), and deliberately step out of them while just as deliberately re-fashioning our lives around His heart and His ways. Otherwise, isn't it a lot of wasted years? It's never too late to start! Blessings, guys.
Merry Christmas Brian and Erin.
Merry Christmas Brian and Erin.
I'm missing you two tons right now!
It is good to read what you are thinking, and learning these days. I am struck this year by how huge the story is that God is writing. Christmas is by no means the beginning of it, or the end, but an amazing event, the climax of the story even. I am humbled that I am even a part of that story. The fact that God sent His son to fufill his plan, and that He did that for me, brings me to my knees. Probably not often enough, but this season has. My dad read something today along the lines of...'we need to stop trying to fit God into OUR story and realize that he orchestrates and includes us into His story that has been going on for ages, and will outlast our earthly existence.' It is His amazing creation story, His unbelievable redemption story, and He invites us to be a part.
Have a great Christmas. I am so glad you two are such a great team together. I know you will miss home, but will enjoy your time with each other. Don't forget to open your envelope for Christmas!
So you guys had the same experience as i did
The only thing i missed about Christmas was the time that we get to spend with our families.
I did not miss the shopping, the calls to buy things. The shops telling you that you must buy things.. all the consumerism that we have plagued our Christmas with.
Its a very different experience to be in another country for Christmas.. at least I had -3 degree weather :P
For us it was missing of some family and not at mom and dads house- its weird to being hosting Christmas and not your mom.
Also missing the cold- We were walking around in T-shirts on Christmas Day here. (north Carolina)
Our minister preached this Sunday that Christmas(and Advent) is the looking forward to Christ coming again.
Since we do that everyday- I wish you
Merry Christmas - every day of the year.
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