We are writing you from Kratie (pronounced Kra-chuh), a beautiful little city on the edge of the Mekong River. We took a bus today from Phnom Penh and had a fairly uneventful 6 hour trip here. I would almost say it was completely uneventful, but, today was the day we ate Torrantula. After being on the bus for only a couple hours we stopped for breakfast at a Cambodian style service centre/rest stop. Of course there was the usual fruit and rice options to purchase, but along with that were platters of spiders. It was pretty intense. I'm sure most Cambodians would laugh to read this and think it funny that we find eating spiders odd. They eat anything, really anything, here! So, we were brave and each ate a leg! I wish I could say that I ate the whole thing, including the gushy stomach, but I wasn't that brave.
So, the next question is, how did it taste? They cook or marinate them in some kind of soy sauce concoction (we're guessing). It was crunchy and hairy and actually didn't taste that bad. It's one more thing checked off our list of things to do. I wouldn't say we'll be making spider a part of our daily diet.
We don't have to much else to report. We checked into a really nice guesthouse and enjoyed a beautiful sunset over the river. Tomorrow we're planning to rent some bicycles and take a little boat ride on the river to hopefully see some of the only remaining fresh water dolphins in the Mekong.
...sorry we've been trying to put pictures on here but it's not working out. There will be proof of spider consumption.
15 years ago
SICK.... you guys are brave!!
i'm glad it was you an not me!! i thought fish fins and tails were brave... i don't think i'll ever eat spider... especially hairy tarantula!!
I think you're the only ones I know that can make your travels authentic by eating LOCAL. More power to you. Trust that spiders and Montezuma aren't related.
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