Yesterday we spent our time, wandering the streets, checking out the local market, and snacking on some great food. Today we were a were a lot more active however. We rent a couple of (half) decent MTBs (trek 3900 if you care) and road more than 70 km to a water fall in back. Under normal conditions it's not that huge of a ride for B&E, but having been off our bikes for nearly for months, and riding in flipflops with no padded shorts, we're now a little sore.
The ride was actually really hard. There were pretty much no flat sections the entire way, and there were some pretty monster climbs. One went one for almost 6km...we have nothing like that in Ontario. It was toatally worth it though. The falls were beautiful. There were several different cascades, and a couple of really great swimming holes! We had a good time! It was great to cool off for the hot ride back in 35c heat.
The other thing that's off interest here is the giving off alms to monks. This is something that happens throughout s.e. Asia, but is of particular interest here. Luang Prabang has the highest % of monks per capita in the world (were told). There are hundreds and hundreds of monks in this city of only 60,000. Every morning in the early hours they walk down some of the streets and collect food (all they eat each day) from the faithful. I don't want to more you with more details, but there's a bit more to it than that. Anyway, it's become a bit of a tourist thing as well. Not the alms giving...but as an attraction. It's a little sad to see people sticking camera in the monks faces, and standing way above them. There's signs everywhere saying not to do this. It is ok though to kneel on the other side of road and snap a photo or two. (or make a picture, as the Europeons say) 'Nuff about that.
One more thing. We saw this interesting sign above a shop and just had to find out what is was. Rather than tell you, we'll let you guess. So, if you know what happens in side this shop, post a comment and tell us. The correct person will recieve a very special prize when we return. Seriously! 
My guess is that they will chauffeur your pet to the wedding. It's all in the pics! Too easy! I know you won't bring me the dead rat, because you'd get in trouble at customs! Brian, in the dare-me-to-swim photo, is there a suggestion that there are some calories in all that exotic food -- or is it just the way the light sometimes plays tricks with the camera? Great photos from the excursion! Thanks again for posting them!
Or they do pet funerals -- even pick it up from your home!
I should have read the list of services, instead of only reading the pics! I see that there is a list of services. #1 says they will erect a public shrine for your deceased pet, but it's the priciest service. Apparently, the range of services descends all the way down to #7, which, I think, says that it will just be tossed along the side of the road. I'd really like to win!
I agree with Jim that it has something to do with a Laotian wedding.....these are gifts for the couple - the dogs to symbolize companionship and the rabbits to symbolize many offspring (obviously!)
Way to go with the bike trek! - a great start for more treks at home. The roads are clear - snow's gone (for now)
The waterfall pictures are amazing - especially the colour!
LOVE the waterfall!!! the pictures are stunning! i totally want to be swimming in that. and 70km... seriously guys... good for you!
Everyone knows that family cannot be contest winners. Any submissions by people with "Mom" as part of their name are obviously disqualified, so right now I'm still closest even if I'm wrong! Right? That's your intention, isn't it -- closest? Not necessarily "right". I think I'm gettin' a nice gift from Laos!
Ok It has something to do with a funeral or maybe a wedding. I'm going to guess a pet
funeral home/wedding chapel??
One more thing that dead rat/honey stand is more then a little weird its just creepy.
Here is my guess. I think that it is a taxidermy for pets. and you can also order flowers to send to someone who's pet died. Oh people who are related are able to win right Shirley. We are counting the days till you get home. Denver is too.
I am pretty sure they will cremate your pet, and put the ashes in a container with the shape of your choice and decorate it with fresh flowers.
I think this wedding/funeral debate will be an interesting one to figure out.
I agree, family entries are for entertainment value only.
Come home soon please.
comment #2 from me.
I'm changing my guess to 'pet weddings'. it's gotta be.
Those pictures are beautiful, aside from the one where Brian is getting a little 'bam chicka wahwah' on us. seriously, not appropriate.
Actually it has nothing to do either with wedding or funerals. The shop sells memorabilia/gifts for a daughter's passage into adulthood. Friends and family shower her with beautiful flowers as well as her choice of pet.
By the way, what's the count on MY daughter's pleas for you to come home?
I'm thinking that Sharon's answer has the tone of some cultural research. "Passage into adulthood" has to be a Wikipedia expression. Is research allowed? Doesn't that count as getting help from another source? Isn't this more of a figure-it-out-based-on-your-intuition-savvy-and-wits-kind-of-thing? Actually, I don't really care who wins, but I just want you to know that MY answer(s) came from just putting the clues together. "Passage into adulthood" sounds pretty academic. Also, do you even want to give a prize to someone who says "bam chicka wahwah"? A lot of disqualifications here!
Ok I just looked at the photo again and I now know 100% I can't read the language the sign is in. However I do have another guess is it a pet groomer? It looks like they have blue rabbits on the sign and the flowers help the pets smell good...everyone knows that.
I think this is the most comments yet even if over 70% are from Jim!
IF there were any Wiki-cheating, I'd have inserted some of the words into the Laotian version of Wikipedia. Did you see, Jim, that each one of the seven "services" has the same root? Maybe a commonality. The suspense continues. (Including the source of the "passage into adulthood" phrase.)
It's just Laotian graffitti
It doesn't mean a thing
If you don't know Brian by now - he's just pulling your leg - there is no significant meaning!
well, at least you are not in Korea and thats isn't a sign at a restaurant telling you that they sell puppies. Yeah, we were in a market once and there was this whole stand of puppies and bunnies and chickens.. and i was like "cool, black market pet store".. my korean friend tells me "no, those are soup puppies". Tragic day. i know i will avoid eating soup puppies or the traditional dog...
great to see the pictures guys.. hope its still awesome for you!
Waiting to hear who the lucky prize winner is
.....from what I read in the contest rules I understand that anyone who has more than one entry will be disqualified -
sorry Jim - too many guesses
This is hilarious.
Notice how some of the disquaified pseudo-contestants are getting a little testy? Making up new rules! Discrediting my Laotian! (The root word translates as "expired" and is always used in conjunction with "pet". I don't remember everything I learned in Laotian class, but I do recall enough to read the language of the commoners. High Laotian is similar, but belongs to a dwindling intelligentsia.) It's sad how what I'm sure was initiated by B&E as a bit of fun has deteriorated into a ganging up onto the front-runner. Brian and Erin, you'll be able to read the motives of everyone who has been commenting here. You (and I) know the right answer. I don't see any reason to participate in this vicious interplay any longer. I'll just keep quiet as the assaults mount, and wait until you post the winner. If anyone out there shouts "Hurray!" that, too, will just be sour grapes. We'll let truth have the last "Hurrah"!
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